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Why Book Flight with FLYING JET

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Popular Domestic Routes

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Popular International Routes

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Kolkata to Bangkok Flights Search Flights

View All welcomes you to become our lifelong friend in the skies! As a result, we guarantee that we will provide you with the finest possible service. We examine your needs so that we can provide you with the finest flight tickets and services to the United States and Europe based on our long-standing relationships, extensive expertise, and travel industry knowledge.

We also provide hotel booking and tour and travel and visa services online. We make sure you receive the finest travel deals and discounts on all major airlines. We are here to serve you with services that are created using a rigorous system. We believe in giving outstanding service from the start to finish of your transaction with us. was created by a team of technological experts with many years of experience in the travel industry. We believe our platform is second to none when it comes to finding cheap flights and budget hotels efficiently in a user-friendly environment. We are a new hybrid online travel agency specialized in international flight tickets from United States of America, Canada & India along with hotel booking services. By using our services users can directly book cheap flights & hotels online, over the phone, email & chat.

Our team of travel agents are with you on every steps of the way to make sure you voyage with smile :)

Mission Statement

Offer the best travel recommendations for the value of money.

Our Values

• Trust - Depending on each other to do the right thing in all situations.

• Integrity - Continuously doing the right thing that results in win/win situations for all

• Respect - Treating others with courtesy, dignity and professionalism

• Innovation - To lead the industry in technological advances and push boundaries that give us an edge over all other online agencies.

• Execution - The courage to lead the way in a technologically stagnant industry. Pushing boundaries and taking charge.


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